We are The European Voice of Directors

The CG Dialogue

A reflection platform on Corporate Governance trends driven by ecoDa

A reflection platform led by ecoDa on new Corporate Governance trends

The aim of the Corporate Governance Dialogue is to reflect on the future evolution of Corporate Governance, the governance trends and challenges business firms and other organisations are confronted with in the European and international context, and potential future amendments to the CG framework and mechanisms.

Consequently, the CG Dialogue wants to identify and discuss what the next topical issues in corporate governance will be, what the role of tomorrow’s board members will be, bringing awareness of the participants of new emerging topics that will impact their organisation and their market.

The CG Dialogue has been established as an open forum, with input from the business world as well as the academic community, with the input of directors as well as managers or shareholders.

Call for Interest

You are a practioner or an academic and you would like to contribute to one of the following topics:

  • How could the past CG recipe help the post Covid crisis?

The objective of the CG Dialogue is to identify the new CG trends and to brainstorm on the role of tomorrow board members. In other words, the main objective is to reinforce ecoDa’s advocacy role by anticipating future items, and by being one step ahead.

It is a dialogue in the sense that it brings together different stakeholders, different opinions. With this CG Dialogue, ecoDa also tries to engage its Corporate Associates and to connect academic people together with board members. But ecoDa remains at the center of this dialogue.

The CG Dialogue is not organised as a conference or as a webinar. It is more about bringing together around thirty handpicked experts to brainstorm in a structured way.

The CG Dialogue is supported by an Advisory Committee.

Report of past editions

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